You'll get seven different answers if ask seven people how to do a reading as with most things on this path.
You will get what you need to know as long as your intent is pure,There is no wrong way to do a reading.
A merely a guide is suggested here,your own style will be developed fairly quickly.
Setting up
This can be as elaborate or simple as you'd like.
Most Tarot readers will spread a cloth over whatever surface they are doing readings on will be noticed. Two purposes served here,practically, it keeps your cards clean. On a psychic side, the color you chose to use can help with the vibrations of the card. I tend to like black, as it doesn't in relation with energies. Others like blue, yellow or purple for divination and psychic ability.
Here are some elements of set up you might consider:
- Some readers start by purifying their space, even smudging it
- Clothes can be draped over surfaces where readings are to be done
- Appropriate gemstones can be spread about
- Appropriate incense and candles lit
- Some meditate
- Some readers go through a whole ritual before reading, including casting a circle and calling quarters
- Some light candles and incense and play soft music.
- Others do nothing but pull out the deck
Do what feels right to you, whatever connects you to the energy of the universe or puts you in the "groove" to do readings. I suggest the one thing that to rid it of any energy that might interfere with a reading if it is possible is to do a quick smudge of the room. And before beginning,it's always a great idea to take a few deep breaths and ground and center.
You do want to make sure you won't be interrupted when doing a reading so turn off the TV, the phones (your client's cell phone) and shut the pets out. Make sure the atmosphere is at a comfortable temperature. And make sure you are dressed comfortably. You can't concentrate on a reading if your top is constricting your breathing.
Drawing cards
Once you have everything set up and are focused, it's time to begin, Take out your cards. What it is you want to know is important to concentrate on as you shuffle them. It is better to ask open-ended questions rather than yes or no questions. The clearer the question, the clearer the answer will be. Keep questions simple. You should focus on the experience rather than the outcome. If you're sure your question is specific,it is worded to represent exactly what you want to know. If you don't have a specific issue to address, you can ask for general guidance or what you might need to know for the next week or that the spirits/deities tell you whatever it is you need to know right now. Just be sure to concentrate.
When you feel ready to do the spread, stop shuffling.
Whether or not you cut the deck now and how you do it is up to you.From the top of the deck,some people will then deal out cards. Cards drawed and fanned out by others. People still using a pendulum to choose cards. The choice is made by you.
A point of note: If a card or cards fall out when you are shuffling, put them aside; they usually jump out for a reason and should be included in your interpretation.
(If you are doing a reading for others, you need to consier their level of involvement. Would they do all the above? Will they only cut or shuffle the deck? Will they even touch the cards at all?)
Remember, you cannot draw a wrong card.
As doing two readings,you might want to look at it if you are doing a spread. The card in relation to the position it occupies in the spread is the first reading. The second reading is how the cards relate to each other. Each reading tells about someone's life. You have to piece it together.
Pull more cards from the deck for clarification if something is unclear when doing a reading. Or you can reshuffle the deck and move on to a clarification readings when you finish the first reading. Raised the question as the focal point for the second reading,Some readers will keep the initial card.
Also don't feel limited by a spread or a deck, There have been times when I would switch decks mid-reading,I've done 40+ card readings. Go with your gut, You'll know when a reading is over, you'll either feel it or you will find the cards repeating themselves or all of the sudden the new cards won't make any sense.