Monday, March 30, 2009

Improving Hypnosis Skills

If you have always found yourself intrigued with the art of hypnosis then there is no better time than now to learn the trade for yourself. The first thing that you will need to realize for you enter hypnosis training is that it is not you and your skill that is doing anything to the subject.

You do not have the control that popular cultures says you do. What actually happens during hypnosis is that the hypnotist leads you through the session to find what you are seeking. They merely help you to help yourself. It is closer to self-hypnosis that the hypnotist taking you over.

Now it's time to begin your hypnosis training. You can learn to be a hypnotist in many different ways. A good approach is to get all the information you can from books, magazines, newspapers, etc. The internet also has a bevy of good information.

Attend the hypnosis training classes in full. You can take these classes in person or by watching a DVD series. Whatever direction you take you just want to get all the information from it so you can become a winner at understanding hypnosis. It will become basic to you if you do it more and more.

Practice is the best way to utilize what you have learned thus far. Your family and friends are a good choice for subjects who will provide you with honest feedback. This is needed to progress with your training in hypnosis. However, the best way to improve your skill beyond the training is to begin practicing in real life situations.

Once others know you are successful at hypnosis, some will ask you to teach them how to do it. Nothing you can tell them will substitute for their own direct experience. You, too, must practice for years before you can consider yourself a master.

The hyonosis training also means that you have to follow the advices and instructions from people who have been already practicing hypnosis.It can also be one way many people would like to learn hypnosis.It is necessary that you ensure to stick with the facts so that there is no confusion for the people when they also start to learn.

Hypnosis training can make you feel like it is a lot of information to know, but in the end, it will pay off. The knowledge and understanding you absorb with the training will give you the gift to help many people. In tough situations you can use your training to assist yourself. You might even be able to open your own office when the time is right and you are qualified.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Reviewing Astrology And The Stars

Is it possible to chart our course through life by monitoring the heavens? Astrology is the study of the relationship between planetary motion and life here on earth. Some people believe so deeply in this pseudo science that they consult the advice of astrologers before making any critical decisions in their life. In this article, we'll explore the mystery of how the planets and stars impact the future.

Astrology is a group of systems, traditions and beliefs by which astrologers acquire information about a person's personality, strengths and weaknesses. The zodiac is the belt or band of constellations through which the sun, moon and planets transit across the sky. Astrologers noted these constellations and so attached a particular significance to them. The main traditions used by modern astrologers are Western, Chinese and Indian astrology. Indian and Western versions use an astrological chart or horoscope for an event based on the position of the sun, moon and planets at the moment of the event. Indian astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, linking the signs of the zodiac to their original constellations, while Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac.

Each moment in time is significant in astrology. By focusing on the time of an individual's birth, an astrologer can uncover existential information about them, because it is believed that there is a meaningful link between when someone is born and the qualities inherent to his personality. Astrologers study our birth charts to gain insight into our potential ways of being, gifts, challenges, opportunities and internal conflicts. By using astrology, people can make meaningful choices about the direction of their future.

Astrologers gauge timing based on knowledge of how planets act when traveling through the different zodiac signs. This is from where the idea that astrologers can predict the future is derived. The term zodiac denotes an annual cycle of twelve stations along the ecliptic, the apparent path of the sun across the heavens through the constellations that divide the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude. The zodiac is the first known celestial coordinate system. The sign that a person is born under in believed to determine their personality traits. For instance, people born under the astrological sign of Scorpio are believed to be forceful, intuitive and passionate while someone who is a Pisces is supposed to be sensitive, kind and unworldly.

Many people truly believe that the time of their birth cosmically brands them with certain characteristics. By consulting their stars, planets and Zodiac sign, they divine information that can be used to help make choices in their life. While this may seem implausible to some people, astrology has repeatedly proven itself to be quite accurate.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Can Tarot Cards Rule Our Lives

I constantly face people who come to me wondering why someone else’s predictions didn’t come true for them, or if God was really punishing them. As I’ve come to learn down the ages, it all boils down to taking responsibility for our own lives. Only half the story is offered by the knowledge a tarot reader, numerologist, astrologer or psychic, the other, more vital half resides in all of us as human beings on this planet. Walking out their door applying their insights in a workable way is the meaning of going to someone for predictions.


A rather gentle man seems about 25 year old came to me for a reading. He looked at me and then at the deck of cards and asked "When will I get a job?"

He began to raise his voice when I mentioned that the Tarot was based on the present moment and the energies that surround him right now, and could not offer him an exact date.He paid my fees by borrowing money. And about when exactly he would get a job, his last hope is tarot.I turned over a card. It was bleak. another. Bleaker. I had felt strongly that he was waiting for Lady Luck to whisk him away into an air conditioned cubicle in a swank building to come swooping down on him.

That afternoon when he left, in his energies, I noticed a subtle shift. He appeared eager to contact placement agents, and rewrite his resume. when he called 2 months and tell me that MNC had hired him I knew he was enroute to success. I hope he will be well.

The beautiful thing about the planets and the cards is that they can tell us the planetary position is favourable or the time is right for us to move in a certain direction. Our lives can not be ruled by the cards. Nor can they type out resumes or set interviews for us. At the end of the day,if we want to get ahead only ourselves can help.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Introduction To Subliminal Messages

This is an introduction to the rising phenomenon of subliminal messages.

A basic definition of subliminal messages is any sound which transmitted beyond 20,000 Hz. This is the maximum level of human hearing, so any sounds above this level will not be heard consciously. However your unconscious mind can pickup on these messages. It's always working - taking in information from your immediate environment. So whether you like it or not there are suggestions always being stored deep within your subconscious mind.

Normally these messages are discarded after a while when they are not used / reinforced, however if you constantly encounter the same messages every day then eventually they start to grow and bubble over into your conscious mind, and the next stage is that they infleunce your behavior and your belief patterns.

How will this help?

Well, this is the latest craze – instead of randomly having information entering your mind without you knowing it you can use subliminal cds to send yourself specific information. Information which then builds up over the weeks to have a positive effect on your behaviour.

Subliminal messages can be used to:

help overcome a phobia

help you in increase confidence

help you improve your memory

learn a new language

attract the opposite sex

and much more

It all depends upon the type of messages included in the recording,subliminals can be designed to help almost any area of your life and make deep improvements to your subconscious mind.

They are totally safe, they wouldn'tlead you to act in any sort of negative way. They are only used to support your life goals – so if there is something you want to achieve then you will get benefit – your subconscious mind will get aligned to your goal too. If you are not chasing a goal the messages won't influence you. Just like hypnosis you have to want to change. You are still in complete control.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Using Subliminal Hypnosis To Improve Yourself

Subliminal hypnosis gains access to your subconscious mind it goes past your logical thinking and overwrites your negative behavior from the inside out - here lies the real benefit - your body can't tell the difference between imagining something andhaving it happen for real.. So if your conscious efforts have been failing, then subliminal hypnosis may be able to reprogram these unconscious thoughts that have been holding you back.

For example if you want to lose weight, but you have tried and failed so many times previously then you may have several limiting beliefs, even if they are subconscious; beliefs like "I will never be that slim / I could never achieve a six pack like that / My metabolism is too slow, I just don't lose weight that fast". Hypnosis changes these limiting beliefs for positive beliefs which help you in the problematic areas of your life whether it is losing weight, improving memory, becoming successful with the opposite sex, or improving your sports performance even.

Subliminal messaging it is simply a lighter form of hypnosis. It works on the same principals of accessing the subconscious mind to change behavior and negative thought patterns that are holding you back. However there are several differences and pros and cons of each method:

* Hypnosis can be very powerful, just one session with a qualified professional may be all it takes to change your behaviour forever. Subliminal CDs should be played every day, at least for the first 1-2 weeks - the effects are more gradual
* Hypnosis can be expensive, especially for a highly trained hypnotist. Subliminal CDs are inexpensive and easy to obtain.
* Hypnosis requires that you go into a deep trance like state. Subliminal Cds can be used at any time - while doing various activities, or relaxing, or even while sleeping.
* Depending both upon your state of mind and the skill of the hypnotist you may need a few sessions so that you are able to go deeper into a trance and get full benefit. Subliminal CDs don't put you into a deep trance, but you still receive the messages to your unconscious mind.

People use subliminal messaging as an alternative to traditional hypnosis, however there is no single best method, it depends upon your current circumstances, the type of change you want to make and your preffered method of development. Subliminal hypnosis CDs can even be a great compliment to any hypnosis session you have - they will enforce any changes you are making, and promote the behavior you want to adopt.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Arcanas

The tarot is comprised of Minor Arcana cards in four suits and Major Arcana cards, which are not in suits. The four suits of the Minor Arcana are Wands, Swords, Cups and Plates, which match the four elemental tools. Minor Arcana cards include numbered cards in each suit (ace through 10) and court cards (page, knight, queen and king).

Major Arcana cards are not tied but related to a particular suit which are all other cards. They represent principles, concepts or ideals while minor arcana cards represent the many ways that those principles manifest in the everyday or mundane world. As the ideas expressed in the major arcana cards are not taught in our culture, we have no foundation for them and we have lost touch with them. Therefore, we have to be careful not to apply present day meanings to these past time symbols.

Anyone can learn the art of reading tarot cards - it's not difficult. You will learn it with taking practice and a strong desire like any art or science. One easy way to start learning the tarot is to get the Esoteric School Tarot Home Study course, which will teach you everything covered in this article, including the art of reading tarot cards, Tarot Spreads, meanings for tarot cards and two real tarot card spreads.

One of the best and most personal ways to develop meanings for the cards is to actually study the cards themselves while there are lots of books out there that give you the meaning of tarot cards. The cards were developed with symbols and pictures that represent the concept being expressed.

Once you intuit this meaning, looking for places in your life or in everyday life where you or someone else is losing power. you will never forget the meaning when the concept is translated into everyday life and becomes real.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Meaning Of Tarot Cards

While there are lots of tarot card books out there that give you the meaning of tarot cards, one of the best and most personal ways to develop meanings for the cards is to actually study the cards themselves. The cards that represent the concept being expressed were developed with symbols and pictures.

For instance, in the Waite-Rider deck, the Four of Swords depicts a man lying on a bier, on which is pictured a horizontal sword. The meaning of the card is "to bury the hatchet" or let past conflicts come to resolution or rest. The man is literally resting on top of the sword ,swords are the fire element, which means conflicts or fighting, he is allowing them to come to rest and resting on old issues. He has made the decision to "buried the hatchet!"

Similarly, in the eight of wands (see below) you can see flying wands coming down to land. The eight of wands represents new ideas or inspirations,because wands are the air element, and stand for ideas, inspiration, thoughts and communication. Once you know the element associated with each suit and look at the card for the concept being expressed,The meaning for tarot cards will be easily intuited. This is a both more reliable and more intuitive approach than relying on someone elseís interpretatio(as a starting point,although you may want to use someone elseís definition).

Many of tarot readers learn the meaning for tarot cards by taking one card a day, intuiting the meaning, then looking for examples of that meaning or concept in everyday life. For instance, the in the seven of swords card (see below), a thief is stealing away with 7 swords. Swords are fire, which is also power, therefore the seven of swords is the loss of power. Once you intuit this meaning, looking for places in your life or in everyday life where you or someone else is losing power. You will never forget it when the concept is translated into everyday life and the meaning becomes real.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Intuitive Guidance

Your intuition is enabled by your being open and receptive, dwelling in a highly sensitive mode where you can receive impressions and insights, however subtle or vivid. It is a place of humility, 'listening' and non-judgment. Remember always that your intuition functions best when you are outside of your conscious analytical mind, and is the other side of the coin to logic and reason.

The guided meditations of the Intuition Zone program induce alpha and theta states that offer you access to that which lies beyond this world and make it possible for you to achieve higher states of consciousness. That place beyond and those higher states are the areas where your intuition best functions.

All forms of meditation as well as many relaxation procedures can serve to quiet your mind, thereby making you receptive to the whisperings and messages of your intuitive senses. But the guided meditations of the Intuition Zone go beyond this. They actively facilitate the engagement and activation of your intuitive senses and empower your intuition.

While the easiest time to engage your intuition is when you are in a meditative state, it is not necessary or always desirable to do so. The Intuition Zone program offers many exercises that are appropriate to use when in a non-meditating state. Specifically useful for this is the 'Earth-Light' meditation recording, which is designed to clear and align your energy system and connect you to source, leaving you more open to your intuitive senses and capable of receiving higher awareness. The purifying, centering and consciousness raising effects of this meditation make it an ideal primer to any intuitive practice, as well as to becoming a clear and willing conduit.

Your intuition is most accessible when you are functioning outside your normal, rational, judgmental mode of consciousness. We most often experience such altered states when doing automatic, 'mindless,' or repetitive tasks, such as showering, knitting, washing the dishes, or doing chores, and so on. When we are engaged in these kinds of activities our conscious minds are most likely to switch themselves off. This makes it so that higher inspiration and intuitive gestalts can find their way into your consciousness without the convoluted trappings of your analytical mind.

The Intuition Zone program includes the soothing meditation called, 'Inner Realm.' This meditation connects you with the personification of your Higher Self and allows you to experience their pure unconditional love, absorbing this energy at a fundamental level. Through this divine union, you will dissolve the limitations and roadblocks that keep you from knowing the who you are, knowing the truth of reality and destroying the illusion of separation on which the ego thrives. When you experience the unconditional, divine love that your Higher Self has for you in every instant of existence, it will heal and blossom your heart so you can experience that which is the ultimate truth of reality: the only reality is love.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The 12 Zodiac Signs

It has long been a practice for the horoscope zodiac signs to rule a person's daily life. Long ago, before the time of the Ancient Greeks, people looked to the sky for guidance. It once started as a way to navigate through the world by using the constellations for direction-finding. The twelve constellations sparked the 12 zodiac signs that people follow today for their daily horoscope, as well as to see if they have compatible zodiac signs with friends and lovers.

Each of the 12 zodiac signs have certain characteristics associated with them. Let's take the example of the zodiac sign Aquarius. This water bearer is chock full of creative energies and a passion for living an open life. He or she does not like to have their enthusiasm or creativity stifled in a relationship. They tend to be aloof and it is this aloofness that makes the Aquarian seem cold and unreachable.

The zodiac sign Cancer is the exact opposite of Aquarius. He or she craves the comforts of a well run home and they are very sentimental. They long for the closeness of a relationship and need a partner that feels the same way. Aquarians would not make good partners with those born under the sign of Cancer. The sentimentality of Cancer would annoy and irritate the Aquarian. The best match for Cancer would be Taurus, which compliments the Cancer longing for a comfortable home life and the closeness of a relationship.

The possibilities of love compatibility horoscopes are tremendous. You just have to keep in mind one important thing; most prognostications are very generalized. Readings can fit for any birthday and zodiac sign. You need to just be aware of this fact and accept that not all horoscopes are going to be right. It may turn out to be a case of you making the foretelling true through your very own actions and reactions.

Searching out divinations from the stars is not likely to abate. Astrology students and followers believe in a higher aspect of life controlling destinies and characteristics. You just have to remember that astrology readings are generalized and do not take into account your unique individual characteristics, nor your lifestyle. The 12 zodiac signs may not even be accurate for your life. You may find out that you are more Aquarian than you are the zodiac sign Libra. You also may not find love on the 18th. Just take everything you read with a grain of salt.