Saturday, May 30, 2009

Clairvoyant Psychic Readings: A Concise View

For starters, we need to define what clairvoyance is. Conventional wisdom says clairvoyance is sagacity: an inherent or developed ability to acquire intuitive knowledge of people and things, mostly those that cannot be perceived by the predefined human senses. It is also referred to as somewhat resembling supernatural sense in regards to action, insight, perceptiveness or vision. There are others still who use the terms clairvoyance interchangeably with ESP or extrasensory perception as well. The usual concept of clairvoyant psychic readings is that the gifted person can “see” what other people cannot. However, the accepted term nowadays is no longer confined to “seeing,” but rather to “sensing.”

Apparently, there are various levels of psychic abilities; the most common form of which is by simply and intuitively knowing without being foretold or claircognizance. Some people have sensitive sense of olfactory or smelling senses called clairalience. There are those that can hear or has the ability to listen to the sounds of unheard voices; a gift called clairaudience. This is often considered as a form of passive telepathy as well. Others favor the use of taste (clairgustance), while there are a few you can perform their clairvoyant psychic readings by feeling or touching (claisentience.) The psychic must physically touch or hold an object, the person, or at least parts of a person in order to get a reading.

A clairvoyant person is also sometimes referred to as gifted, psychic, or sensitive. Often times, a clairvoyant person is defined by the type of clairvoyant psychic readings he or she engages in. Such is the case of a reader (as in card, mind, palm or tarot reader,) telepathic (one who can read and sense other people’s innermost thoughts and feelings) and a spiritualist (who sees and hears spirits or souls of the long departed.) Clairvoyant psychic readings can likewise revolve around precognition of a person (both living and dead,) an object, a location, a physical event, a feeling and even predictions of the future. The term clairvoyance itself came from the French words clair and voyance which mean clear and vision, respectively.

In the present times, the most prevalent form of clairvoyant psychic readings is done online. Obviously, the virtual world is more accommodating to psychics and people who subscribe to such belief. Two of the advantages to such practice are anonymity and convenience… on the part of the client. The World Wide Web serves as a platform from which clients can choose which psychic to contact, what kind of reading should be done (phone interview, Tarot card reading, spiritual healing) and how that reading should take place (via online chat, webcam chat or through the phone.)

Card reading is common, but very often limited to one area of concern only (e.g. finances, marriage, how to break bad karma, etc.) There are also psychic who offer spiritual guidance and healing. And there are those still who offer lessons to people who want to know how to open their third eye or harness their sixth sense.


  1. Clairvoyance can be a natural gift, or it can be developed through training. Thanks for the informative blog post!

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